Thursday, June 09, 2005


Tagged !!

Now I have no idea as to what is this all about, just that it seems like a chain which I am supposed to continue. People who are very curious can try to track back the trail starting from Iyer's Blog or Chordia's blog.
Three names I go by -
1. Aneesh
2. Reddy
3. Jhapu.
Many more names which should not be mentioned here.
Three Screen Names-
1. aneesh_sgc
2. aneeshreddy
3. aneesh_iitkgp
Three things I like about myself-
1. Being Passionate about things.
2. My friends circles and the very trustworthy friends I have.
3. A clean logical mind.
Three things I don't like about myself-
1. My hair (or rather the scarcity of hair)
2. I am probably too formal sometimes.
3. The fact that I dont like to mix friends and family, I don't know why I dont like something like this happening.
Three things that scare me-
1. Horror movies
2. Mass Telugu movies
3. Ramu.. all KGPians are similarly scared. I mean both the wing waala Ramamanthan and insti waala Ramanujam.
Used to be hazaar frightened of Lizards and cockoroaches before KGP, don't make a difference now.
Three Essentials-
1. Cellphone
2. Money
3. Good food
Three things I like in opposite sex-
1. The independence their vocal chords have, it seems they never have anything to do with the brain.
2. Hazaar patience: They can spend hours shopping and in the end buying nothig at all.
3. Massive Dumbness: There is some saying which goes like....... Massive Dumbness is a sure way to sucess.
Just kidding, am not really sure if I am a right person to answer this question atleast at such a public forum.
Three things I want to do badly right now-
1. Prepare for GRE /TOEFEL /GMAT, the dates are very near, and I am really not puting in any effort.
2. Finish some old projects and some new projects ......... I will do 108 pradakshinas at the Chilkur Balaji temple if I can finish all four of them by september this year.
3. Go on a month long holiday with my friends.... either LFHS party or with the wing or anyone.
Three careers I am considering right now-
1. Any Techno - Managerial post.
2. Consultant after an MBA
3. A real estates business. One real high return on investment business, atleast in Hyderabad, that is if you are ready to wait for a few years, I am not sure about this elsewhere.
Three places I want to go on vacation-
1. France and Europe.
2. Arctic or Antartic circle.
3. Africa... spend a month or two in the safaris with a select group of friends.
Three kids names I like-
1. Aanya
2. Ishaan
3. Aryan
Three things to do before dying-
1. To build a nice house with a Chandni Bar(thats what my room is called in KGP) and a swimming pool.
2. To buy my dad a Merc (strictly with money I earn)
3. Take a six months break from all work and go on a nice holiday around the world.
Now the best part--
Three winners who have to take this quiz-
Tinni :
U can get the idea from iyer's blog given above.